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Kaiden - The Way Of The Sword Teacher:

This perchance is the hardest road a swordsperson can walk. He must teach those people that are truly qualified, The Art of The Sword. This is often a road of pain, blood, bruises, harshness, broken vows, fallen students and failing interest.

The true student is rare and the benefits are few, but every now and again you stumble on a truly honorable student that holds the essence of the sword. In them is a refuge, a long awaited peace. In all students there is a hope that you are looked up to as a respected Kaiden.

On their days of victory, you as well feel their joy. As they grow so do you. Even in the worst of students, there is a sense of knowing you will not be forgotten.

It is not a job to be a Kaiden, but it is hard work for the soul. In the end, the fee is never enough. But the pay can last a long, long time.

The term Kaiden originally was a Japanese term that referred to a script that as provided to a student after they had completed their training. We have adapted that term slightly and it now directly translates into “Sword Teacher”. It is the one who bears the right to teach steel and bokken. This person bears the right to teach and bring in new sword students and True Students. His or her word in the arena is of the strictest council. His price for training is respect and his reward is the student’s growth.

The rank of Kaiden can only be given by the Head Kaiden, who is appointed by the Council of Swordfighters. In the WCoS abroad the word Kaiden or Teacher should be given respect.

Kaiden's Form
Kaiden's Rules