Attention WCOS Members:

Does your Member Profile need updating? Have a new picture? Want to change your bio?

Contact the webmaster with your updates.


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Check out the Knowledge Base for a deeper look into the Western Circle.


The Western Circle of Swordfighters is a non-profit organization and all active (sparring) members are required to pay annual dues. Dues are $50.00 per person per year (or $75.00 if you can afford it). When you pay your dues you will receive a WCoS member card, which will be required to participate in any form of combat at a sanctioned Western Circle event or class.

The dues cover the cost of maintaining the website, liability insurance (to obtain permits to hold events in public areas), incorporation costs, limited class supplies and anything else needed to maintain the WCoS as an official organization. Please make payments through your Kaiden (teacher) or click the PayPal link below.

Pay securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
Current Rank
Primary Dojo
Other Notes (optional)